Creating a Windows Virtual Machine in Azure

Creating a  Windows Virtual Machine in Azure

I’ve created an updated version of this video for 2019 here:

In this video, I go into the Azure Portal and create a brand new Windows Virtual Machine. Have you ever wanted to see how easy it is to create a virtual machine? Well, in this video I do that in under 20 minutes.

I explain what I am doing step by step. You can see as I create the VM, and then connect to it using Windows Remote Desktop (RDP). I set the machine as a web server, and then show how to validate the Windows Firewall is set correctly to accept traffic.

We then have to modify the Azure Network Security Group (NSG) as well to allow traffic to pass over the network to the VM.

Please like the video, subscribe to see more, and leave a comment if there’s anything I can cover relating to Microsoft Azure!

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