Improve team collaboration by getting faster using Miro whiteboards

Improve team collaboration by getting faster using Miro whiteboards

Using a Miro whiteboard is a great way to improve your team collaboration and communication. Miro is an excellent tool for workshop facilitation, remote work, mind mapping, customer journey mapping, user story mapping, brainstorming, and much more.

If you are a workshop facilitator or leader of a digital collaboration meeting it’s important to hone your skills using the Miro tool for your sessions. These skills generally break down into two categories. First is creating very quickly on a Miro board in real-time during a session so you can capture ideas as they happen. Second is knowing how to construct your own activity designs before a session so it can play out in a way that you have strategically planned.

Since Miro is a very unstructured tool with a lot of features it really helps to have examples, templates, and tips for how to use it in practice. This includes both examples of activities and assets that can be created on a board as well as knowing how to construct these quickly and efficiently.

This video is part of a series designed to help you become a better user of Miro and to improve your skills as a facilitator.

I will be actively making more content on this topic over time so if you have questions about Miro or ideas you’d like to learn more about, please add your thoughts to the comments. This will help me consider new ideas and how I can be most helpful to you when I’m planning future content for this channel.

Thanks for watching! You can connect with me further here:

⏩ Timestamps, click to skip ahead!
1. Intro 0:00​
2. Copy/Paste Targeting 1:01​
3. Alt Drag 2:00​
4. Ctrl + D 2:53​
5. Summary & Series Intro 3:12