🚨RIPPLE real focus 👉INSTITUTIONAL DEFI #Ripple CEO unveils 4 key Pillars 🎯 beyond payments🤯 #XRP

🚨RIPPLE real focus 👉INSTITUTIONAL DEFI #Ripple CEO unveils 4 key Pillars 🎯 beyond payments🤯 #XRP

👉4 Pillars of focus unveiled by Brad Garlinghouse
👉SBI & JPM DeFi pilot on public blockchains of 4 use cases for Institutional DeFi
👉Ripple acquires crypto firm METACO for $ 250 Mill
👉Ripple CBDC pilot in Hong Kong on private XRPL is Real Estate Tokenization with LENDING and BORROWING, in collaboration with DLA Piper TOKO, NOT cross border payments.

📣 In this video I present an introduction to viewers on what “Institutional DeFi” is and why #Ripple’s pivot ed aggressively to these 4 pillars:
1) Liquidity (Liquidity Hub & AMM/DEX)
2) Custody (METACO) Ripple Wallet
3) Compliance (DID & ZKP)
4) Tokenization (private XRPL CBDC Ledger)

💪⚡LEVEL UP⚡JOIN 👉Mickey B Fresh Patreon Group: 2+yrs w/mature private telegram group & VIP’s get 2x week 2hr+ Zooms with Mickey B and a stable of extremely knowledgeable folks from the community!!!


👉 https://ripple.com/insights/2023-new-value-report-top-5-crypto-trends-in-business-and-beyond/

👉SBI Report – https://sbidm.com/blog/whitepaper-institutional-defi-the-next-generation-of-finance/

👉 https://www.metaco.com/press-release/metaco-joins-ripple/

👉 https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230518005115/en/Ripple-Launches-CBDC-Platform-for-the-Development-of-CBDCs-and-Stablecoins

👉 https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230518005199/en/Ripple-to-Showcase-Real-Estate-Asset-Tokenization-Solution-as-part-of-the-Hong-Kong-Monetary-Authority%E2%80%99s-Inaugural-e-HKD-Pilot-Programme

👉 https://toko.network/solutions/

👉 https://toko.network/labs/

👉 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/institutional-defi-accelerating-adoption-advancements-kamlesh-nagware?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via

Ripple’s recent 2023 VALUE REPORT they dedicate 1/3 of the report to Institutional DeFi and Digital Identity. I am working on a dedicated video that will be out later this week that dives even deeper into Ripple Value Report 2023 and Institutional DeFi.

Ripple survey of hundreds of global financial leaders yielded extremely enthusiastic and positive responses from over 80% of respondents about the future wave of institutional DeFi. They reference SBI/JPM/DBS/MAS Project Guardian that tested institutional DeFi on public blockchains, not some back room testing lab.

Everything is changing from what their direction was back a few years ago. No longer are they focusing on taking over Swift and Cross Border Payments solely. The private XRPL CBDC platform is a network of XRP Ledgers.

✅This information is at the bleeding edge and not forward thinking or speculation but rather straight #FACTS supported by all the references and sources of information in the video.

🧐#XRP community will lag in their understanding of what is taking place but if you want to be a pioneer at the forefront on the new financial system and set yourself up with opportunities then you’re going to hopefully find value in this video. Be prepared to see and hear some new concepts that you won’t hear other YouTubers talking about. I do the research and I present it to the community. I’m not here to validate your investment or tell you what you want to hear.
These are the facts of some complicated new concepts that might take some time to understand.

🤯 STORAGE DEMAND drives price appreciation,, NOT Utility. But Utility can increase the storage demand though. That’s why ODL is Important
Increased ODL volume doesn’t impact price but will drive storage demand for #XRP to be locked in AMM liquidity pools.

“LEVEL UP”💥Series (#XRP Edition) will have individual episodes dedicated to the plethora of the unprecedented network layer enhancements and additional features in the form of game changing Amendment Proposals by RippleX and other developers in the #XRPCommunity.

✅I’ve spent 5yrs,countless hours researching and learning everything I possibly could about the #XRP Ledger Tech, History of #Ripple evolution from very beginning days to now,
This series of videos is the most important videos I have ever created.

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☀️Hi, I’m Mickey B Fresh. My team and I are committed to your education for living in the world of FLARE, SONGBIRD, ROOT, and 👉XRP LEDGER.

✅Prepare for DeFi to explode in these ecosystems, which you can participate in!

🚨Beware of scammers and fraudsters imitating me as Mickey B Fresh in the comments section. I will never offer or post a phone # or any financial advice

⚠️NOT financial advice⚠️
All content is copyright – Mickey B Fresh.
Permissions details at www.MickeyBFresh.com
@CynArts on Twitter-Thank you Cynthia
Thank you @Dip-Collector on Twitter MBF Project Manager