Understanding Google Cloud Security Fundamentals

Understanding Google Cloud Security Fundamentals

What do you need to know about when moving from on-prem to Google Cloud? In this episode Ashish Rajan is joined by Jorge Liauw-A-Joe from Xebia, recorded live at KubeCon Paris. Jorge, a Google Cloud Practice Lead, shares his transition from on-prem to cloud environments and highlights essential security aspects within Google Cloud, including IAM, network security, and the use of Terraform for scaling security measures effectively.

00:00 Introduction
01:14 A bit about Jorge
01:37 Transitioning from on prem to Cloud
02:57 Google Cloud Fundamentals to start with
04:04 Auditing in Google Cloud
05:44 Network Security in Google Cloud
08:17 Firewalls in Google Cloud
09:22 Compute in Google Cloud
09:56 Security for Google Cloud Compute
10:43 Service Account in Google Cloud
11:32 Google Cloud at Scale
12:54 Automation at Scale for Google Cloud
15:59 Using Terraform for Centralisation
16:32 Common Google Cloud Security Services
18:39 Where do people use Third Party tools for Security?
20:21 Data Security in Google Cloud
21:23 Where you can connect with Jorge
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